Monday, September 16, 2013

                        It's been awhile.

Soo just realized how long its been since I last posted anything haha sorry... so life has gone through lots of changes since march 13 lets see. The biggest things I can think of we moved not far though we just moved six houses up the street which is awesome, we are no longer watching the twins because my mom is now working for a company called butter braid which is delicious and the office she works in is right next to mooresville ice cream whoop whoop, and my parents just got home from being in Africa for 3 weeks and 3 days which was to long but it was a good thing for them to experience. That's the biggest things I can think of so far but life is still good. Pretty soon I'm gonna start decorating my room with my awesome cousin who is amazing at art, decorating and cooking shes a very talented person. I may be happy but moving and all has been tough tougher then I thought. I miss my old house and it sucks driving by and seeing they painted something and wishing they had not. Because those scrapes and scratches were memories made that can not be replaced. But even then I know that its all a part of gods plan for me I truly believe that everything I do effects me for my greater good. Even though I don't like or enjoy it sometimes. anyways its getting to fall my by far favorite time of year when its perfectly cool outside to do things and cold enough to snuggle up at night or wear a jacket and eat dinner outside enjoy warm coffee and see friends. I wish fall was longer but anyways I would like to show you a few things that I wrote that I would like to share with you. these are listed  from oldest to newest.

                                 What you wear is a part of you
The pants on the ground style the other day I saw a person wearing shorts that were five sizes bigger than they needed. And his shorts were at his knees barely staying their. Then I started to think why does he wear clothes like that they don't even fit it really looks quite stupid. But then I thought hey maybe its to show how he doesn't fit in. So he tried and tried to fit in until finally he pulled the belt tight enough that he fit perfectly.
The hipster style the other day I saw a hipster it was me maybe. we don't want to fit in but we want to be noticed and seen. We wanna match but not match at the same time. We want to be heard through what we wear. We want to be the new cool and to be seen as different, photogenic. Hipsters don't want to fit in they just want to find away around fitting in and just be cool but that doesn't always work

                                                         True Beauty
True beauty is not makeup and a perfectly skinny body. True beauty is when you love like nothing bad has ever happened. And when you say you know the true meaning of true beauty is when you have a plan and doesn't work out you let go and do something crazy that makes you happy. True beauty is when you dance because you have legs and arms, sing because God gave you a voice, and you laugh as if life was perfect. True beauty is when you don't become sad because something didn't go right. True beauty is when your still happy because your still alive. So to those girls out their who think their to fat or their hair is not right. Who think just because some people don't think your perfect does not mean you shouldn't think your perfect. For I know your perfect. I may not know you personally but I know your perfect.

                              Writing for me
Writing for me only comes from God. every single time I write something with true writers meaning its not usually my words. Its all from God even my poems and plays. God has been the one thing that has given me something to write about. From love to truth kindness to sadness or even happiness to restlessness. God has given me it all whether it be in writing or in reality. He has Proven that he may give me challenges but its only to make me stronger. To make my faith in him stronger and for me to be able to admit that I cant do it alone. Writing to me is letting the one true God give me the words to write down. Its truly amazing the things he gives me to write. I take no credit for the deepness or thought provoking writings that I write down. For without God I would be nothing, but with God I to can be another person that inspires the minds the hearts and the souls of people. May they be little or old I cant wait to be a person of great faith. Thank you my wonderful God for the words you give me.

          As I lay sleepless and not happy about it
As I lay there and fought myself and saying just go to sleep. I tried and I tried but nothing seemed to tell my mind and body to shut up lay down and go to sleep. I tried breathing in and out deeply to rest my lungs and hopefully my entire body. That didn't work. I then tried calming games nope, praising Jesus huh uh, thinking of a story nooope. Tried my Bible app the app didn't work at all to begin with. Went on and on and on nothing tried putting a heavier blanket on once again nooooo. Went back to games no sirry. I tried all I could possibly think of nothing was working. My body was being a jerk as I had to get up at 6:15. It was not at all fun. Trust me on the inside I was yelling at my body and mind, juuuust! goooo!! tooooo!!! sleeeepp!!!!!. And all they did was laugh hahaha you think were gonna listen. And I'm sitting there going whyyyy I just want some freaking sleep and nope maybe later is all my body and mind would say to me. But do not worry I later fell asleep and only got 3-1/2 hours of sleep. Aren't our bodies just so nice.

                               As we grow
The mountains said to the valleys what should pass as we grow, and the valleys answered many things baby's are born and grow then die, plants come and go, and buildings are built and then destroyed, and there's only one thing as we grow that does not die, that doesn't change, that cannot be destroyed, Gods unending love.

well that's it for my writings I will post more often I promise. And I will post most of what I write on here. Also since it is fall I will post the things I cook desserts, snacks, and dinners will all be shared. I will probably have pictures as well oh! and i turned fourteen sixteen days ago. and that concludes this post of Me, God and Life

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